We all have to admit that proper beauty care isn’t the easiest thing in the world when summer comes. We tend to forget that we have to take care of our skin every single day, because taking care of your skin on a regular basis takes some dedication and time.
The things is – taking care of your skin and hair is really important during summer time! To help you a little bit, here are some great summer beauty tricks you didn’t know anything about.
Summer Beauty Tricks Every Girl Should Know
1. DIY Shaving Lotion
Easy to make shaving lotion. Share this with your friends, they will be grateful for such a great tip! Find out more: Do It Darling
2. Coconut Rose Body Scrub DIY
Get smooth, silky, and toned skin in just a few minutes with super easy Coconut Rose Body Scrub DIY! Find out more: Lulu’s
3. DIY Sea Salt Texturizing Hair Spray
DIY Texturizing Sea Salt Spray — all you need are 4 easy ingredients! Find out more: Gimme Some Oven
4. DIY Mango Body Butter
To make this whipped body butter, you’ll just need a few ingredients that you can pick up from any health food store. Find out more: Brit.co
6. Oatmeal + Milk + Honey + Water
This cool handmade face mask manages breakouts and moisturizes your skin. And we all have those ingredients at home. Simple as that.
7. Detox Hair Mask
8. How to get rid of split ends
9. Messy Crossover Pony
Oh yes, it is really simple as it seems! It’s from Truelane blog.
10. Try using raw tomato juice for your acne.
Tomatoes are a good natural remedy for your zit scars.
11. DIY depilation paste
Sometimes when shaving your legs, there is always a hair or two that goes unnoticed and it gets annoying every time you notice another one sticking out. Try this DIY depilation trick. Mix sugar, lemon and water and apply it over your legs and simply peel it off. The pain is much lower than with the wax and it costs much less.
Did you like these cool tricks? Which one is your favorite? Did you try any? Send us a message in the comments section.
Feel free to check our other beauty tricks that we shared. You will love them!